Blue Seedling Wrapped: Marketing leaders’ most-read posts of 2023

Between our NYC off-site (back-to-back with our Founder Meetup event), our GenAI discoveries, and our email marketing success stories, we’ve done some of our most exciting work yet this past year. And, as always, we’ve synthesized these + dozens of other guides, tooltips, playbooks, and op-eds in the Blue Seedling blog.

As an early holiday gift – and as a thank-you to all those who have followed our blog throughout this past year – we’ve wrapped up 10 of our most-requested and most-read posts from 2023, in no particular order. 💫

  1. The best source for content ideas is right in front of youthe title says it all. As marketers, we’re always looking for content opportunities. But odds are you already have plenty of deep founts of content ready to go – you just need to think about how to repurpose and repackage them.
  1. Three tips to make your homepage 63% betteryour website is one of the first touchpoints with your customers. Check out our battle-tested tips for hooking your audience with a stellar homepage.
  1. Close the year with a bang: 10 Q4 marketing campaign ideas – the year is ending, but there’s still time for some hyper-effective marketing plays before the ball drops.
    💡Bonus: check out our tips specifically for the last week of the year.
  1. Our guide to creating and running effective project debriefs – make your marketing team better with one magic document. Download the exact template we’ve used through successful engagements with startup & scaleup clients across diverse industries.
  1. How to make anonymous case studies your secret weapon – despite the lack of eye-catching social proof, in our experience anonymous case studies can actually be a more potent selling tool than their named counterparts. When you can’t rely on the strength of a logo, you’re forced to be specific and compelling. 
  1. Should ChatGPT write your marketing newsletter for you? Three tips + a how-to guide – the most-requested GenAI playbook from our latest webinar, this in-depth guide shows you how to coach GenAI to produce an ace newsletter.
  1. B2B “free samples”: an effective way to boost demand generation – we suggest some of our favorite B2B equivalents of the classic B2C “try before you buy” tactic – including data journalism, ungated marketing materials, free analyses, “office hours,” and more. 🎁
  1. Why I don’t believe in SDRs, and what to do insteadperhaps more relevant now than ever. We debunk the myth that hiring SDRs is a must for startups who have reached an initial product-market fit and want to scale fast – and we reveal what you can do instead. 
  1. How I learned to stop worrying and love the tagline – Why (and how) to write an unforgettable tagline for your B2B startup – “a good tagline is the epitome of simplicity. It takes all of the complexity and effort and strategic insight that goes into great positioning – and distills it into a form that’s so, so simple.” ‘Nuff said. 
  1. A quick guide to Communities as an Enterprise B2B marketing channel – yes, a community is hard to build, but that also makes it hard to copy. We’re bullish about communities as a B2B marketing channel, and believe it’s still a woefully underused tactic in the B2B marketer’s toolkit.

The bottom line

2023 was the year of GenAI, but our top posts covered so much more than just the trending toolkits of today’s best marketers. The most effective marketing strategies (especially for early-stage startups and scaleups) rely on the content flywheel, ABM, and strong positioning. You don’t need a big budget to win. 🚀

David is a Marketing Manager at Blue Seedling. You can usually catch him reading, writing, hiking, and tinkering with his old film camera.

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