Webinar: Database Augmentation + ABM = 🔥🔥🔥 Results

Are your company’s database and email marketing efforts delivering exceptional results? If so, congratulations! You can stop reading here. But if there’s room for improvement, keep on reading…

Database augmentation and email marketing may sound like complex and costly efforts, but they don’t have to be. Our recent webinar showcased how B2B startups and scaleups can expand their marketing database in a fast and cost-effective manner while harnessing the power of email marketing to drive demand.

Adriana Bozbiciu, Head of Demand Generation at Stravito, a Stockholm-based scaleup selling to Fortune 2000 companies, shared a real-life success story of efficient growth:

“Blue Seedling was the mastermind behind scaling our email marketing program. And the fact that we managed to set everything up in less than two weeks will definitely be one of my proudest moments of the year.”

Adriana Bozbiciu, Head of Demand Generation at Stravito

Did you miss the live session? Catch the full webinar recording below.

What were the project results?

This project exceeded expectations: a threefold increase in Stravito’s database, 10 demo requests within a week (a high standard for selling to global enterprises), and an unparalleled “Best week ever” for email marketing.

But the impact doesn’t stop there. In the long-run, this project also nurtures leads and empowers both Sales and Marketing with invaluable insights, making email marketing a dependable channel for sustained growth at Stravito.

Why did Stravito embark on this project? 

The decision to explore a database augmentation project began when Stravito initiated a conversation about the state of their database, raising important questions and considerations: 

“We asked ourselves: how do we feel about our database? Is it big enough? Is it healthy? How many people are out there that we are not capturing? And I didn’t have a straightforward answer to those questions – and that was the trigger point for us.“

Adriana Bozbiciu, Head of Demand Generation at Stravito

Adriana highlighted four key reasons for undertaking this project, believing that database augmentation & ABM would be particularly effective for those aiming to:

âś… Achieve ambitious pipeline goals for the upcoming year

Executing on a database augmentation project means ensuring an comprehensive and up-to-date repository of leads and prospects, enabling the team to meet sales and revenue targets for the upcoming year. A robust database provides a solid foundation for effective lead generation and customer acquisition strategies.

âś… Uncover the untapped potential of their Total Addressable Market (TAM)

For most early-stage (or even mid-stage) startups, it’s difficult to know how well your existing database aligns with the potential size and scope of your target market. Enriching your database provides a clearer understanding of the market potential and identifies any gaps or opportunities for expansion.

âś… Implement a cost-effective B2B growth initiative (compared to alternative approaches)

Other methods of acquiring new prospect data, such as meeting contacts at conferences, can be time-consuming and expensive— both in the short-term and long-term. Doing a database augmentation exercise usually entails an upfront cost, if working with vendors, but provides long-term ROI and cost effectiveness.

âś… Deepen their understanding of their Ideal Customer Profile (ICP)

Database augmentation goes beyond simply improving email marketing efforts. It enables you to gain deeper insights into your Ideal Customer Profile (ICP), including their demographics and preferences. This knowledge can be applied across all marketing and sales channels, allowing you to tailor your campaigns to resonate with your target audience, resulting in higher ROI and better overall marketing and sales performance.

Interested in diving deeper into this topic? Check out Blue Seedling’s (free) crash course on Account-Based Marketing (ABM) and Outbound Email Prospecting.

The bottom line

Database augmentation + ABM is an effective tactic that could lead to powerful results for B2B companies looking to meet next year’s targets. It also provides valuable insights into a company’s market potential and target accounts – this information holds value not just for Marketing, but also for Sales, Business Development, and beyond.

Charlotte Birchley, Chief Communications Officer at Stravito, added her two cents about the project and collaboration with Blue Seedling:

“…Together, we have both launched new marketing programs and revamped existing ones to generate even better results. I particularly like Blue Seedling’s no-nonsense, execution-oriented approach, and I look forward to achieving even more success together in the future…” 

Charlotte Birchley, Chief Communications Officer at Stravito

Curious about implementing a similar project to meet your pipeline goals? Reach out to schedule a personalized 1:1 consultation.

Maja Hamberg is a Marketing Manager with a profound love for creativity. She is your go-to resource for captivating merchandise, impactful email campaigns, and unforgettable event ideas.

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